Whitney Duncan Falls Hard for This “Heartbreaker” / by Tracy Goldenberg

When Whitney Duncan first met her husband, she knew she was taking a chance on love. And that it was very possible she would fall too hard and end up getting too hurt. But she jumped in anyway, which is the very message she’s sending with her brand new song “Heartbreaker.” The song comes from the pens of the Nashville dream team — Hillary Lindsey, Barry Dean and the late Andrew Dorff — and the video was directed by Jacob Moyer.

Here’s what Duncan told CMT.com about bringing her “Heartbreaker” to life:

What do you remember most about the day/night you shot this video?

How cold it was on that motorcycle and how funny it was that they kept having to shape my pregnant belly. Also, I talked my longtime best friend (since 4th grade) to be in the video. So it was cool to share the experience with her and for her to see the behind-the-scenes parts of a shoot.

How does the video bring your song to life?

I think it captures the haunting feel and danger in meeting someone and getting so wrapped up and falling in love with them, and being scared they will break your heart. I remember feeling that way when I met my husband — I didn’t care if I got my heart broke, I had to give it a shot. I wanted this video to be like a mini movie and I think we did that!

What message do you hope your fans take away from the video?

I hope they feel brave enough to let themselves get their heart broke, and know that you gotta take that chance in order for it to work out. And sometimes it does.

How did it feel to see the finished product for the first time?

I was just fascinated how they fit an entire story line in those three minutes. It was incredible to see those days of shooting all come together. Also, it was fun to shoot another video with my Buddy Cory: he was my love interest in “Skinny Dippin” so it was cool to come back together for this shoot.

Source: http://www.cmt.com/news/1829433/whitney-du...